Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Market Tote

We got a pattern for this super cute, reversible Market Tote at the Asheville Quilt show. So this past Thursday Denise and I went to Greenville to some quilt shops that we love and got some fabric not just for one tote but for two totes. I got one of mine done on Saturday. I took it to church on Sunday and everyone loved it and said they would like to have one. Here are some pictures of the one that I got done. I am hoping to get the other one done sometime this week and will post it when I do.

The pattern is by Scottie Dog Quilts

The fabric for the tote.

The top fabric is by Amy Butler

Cutting out the four pieces for the tote

This is the outside of the bag

This is the inside of the tote.

Sneak Peek of the other fabric for the other tote.

Can't wait to get it done.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

NC Moutain State Fair 2008

Well the NC Mountain State Fair was just as good this year as it always is. We all just love when it is time for the fair. I look forward to the fair every year because it reminded me of my first date with Zach. Landon and I got to go two times. We went on Monday with Grandma and Pie. Then on Friday Zach, Landon, Grandma and I all went. Friday was the anniversary of our first date five years ago. We can't wait till the fair in 2009.

Landon and Pie

Landon loved this on Monday.

Look at him go.

Pie trying to dunk the guy.

Trying out the Helicopter.

He is getting so big.

Landon just loved riding on the horse

Having the time of his life.

Look at my two men.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Olson Family's Newest Addition

Our family has a new addition, and it came to spend sometime with us at our house. It is Jake the new boxer that Grandma and Pie just got. He is just a puppy. I think that Landon has made a new friend.

This is not the new addition.

Jake was thinking "Why is he in there?"

Becoming good Friends

Landon just loves his house.

Grandma, Landon, and Jake

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Long Night In the ER

Well, last night was not a night of fun. We got to spend over 5 hours in the ER getting Landon's looked at. We were up at my uncle Mike's house celebrating his birthday and Landon fell into a child's rocking chair. He hit just above his left eye. To me as a new Mom it looked a lot worse then it was. Zach was at work so I called him and had him meet us at the ER. We got there around 9:00pm and did not get seen till well after 1:00am. When we finally got seen Landon was asleep, but all they did was use starry strips to close it up. When we finally got home it was almost 3:30 before I got to bed. He doesn't even know there is anything above his eye.

Look at him

Such a Big Boy

He is all boy!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day at DollyWood

We spent Labor Day this year at DollyWood with some family. Zach's Mom, Denise aka Grandma and Dad, David aka Pie got to go with us. Landon and I got up bright and early Monday morning and drove out to Grandma and Pie's house where Zach was already at. We all rode together. Zach driving, Pie shotgun and Grandma, Landon, and Me in the back of our car. That was an adventure in its self seeing that Denise can get car sick sometime, but we can all say that she did very well. Once at the park we rode the trolly from our car to the park. Once at the park we then were on our way to having some fun and we just didn't have fun we had a BLAST......So here are some pictures of our Labor Day at DollyWood. Hope you enjoy.

Zach's Mom, Denise aka Grandma and Dad, David aka Pie.

Landon with his hat that a friend got him.

As we are walking up to let Zach and Pie ride........

........Mystery Mine

This is them just at the end of the ride!!!!!!!!!!

Grandma, Pie, Landon, and Me on the River Battle ride..........Where we got very wet.

Landon with Grandma playing in the water.

He loves the water.

Landon with his Dad

Landon loved to sit at the hole where water came out and play.

When we got done letting Landon play in the water we went to this store where we put on some of the hats that they had.........

My hat......

Zach's hat......

Grandma's Hat......

Pie's Hat.

Zach, Landon and Pie on the Carousel

Pie acting like he is scared.

Landon and Grandma on the pig ride.

Landon and Grandma on the duck ride.

Landon and Dad getting ready to drive a car.

Landon driving a car.

David and Denise

Oh look at them go.

Oh.......look he had his arm around her.

My son driving me

Look at him go. He loved this ride.