Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Rest of Our 2008 Vacation

OK! I know that I said that I would post about our trip to the Aquarium and try to post everyday of our Vacation. Well as you can see, That didn't happen! We were having so much fun for me to worry about blogging. We had a very very good time and did not want to come home. Sorry it has took be till Wednesday to get this posted, but I have not been home much this week. I had things to do and we are having VBS at our church this week. It is back to the real world and till next years vacation. Hope you enjoy!!

This is just as we got into the Aquarium.

Dad telling Landon all about it.

See the fish.

Look at that Dad.

Landon and Dad looking at all the fish

Landon loved to point at the fish.

Some of the fish.

You walk though this tank.

Landon loved to look at them.

This shark was over our heads.




Landon and Dad in a fish tank!

Me and Landon at the Aquarium

This is on Friday

Landon and Mimi getting some water.

I don't know what that look is for.

He loved to pour out the water.

Landon and Dad playing in the sand.

Landon and Uncle Jon

Playing Putt Putt Friday Night!

Dad helping Landon putt.

This is when Landon go a HOLE IN ONE!

Landon and Dad Celebrating Landon's First Hole in one.

Landon loved riding this.

He laughing so hard over this.

Sunday Morning.

This is form our balcony.

Me and Landon sitting on the balcony Sunday Morning.

Do we have to go home???????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great pics love you love cfc