Friday, June 20, 2008

All Men Need A Storage Building

All men need a Storage Building to but there tools and stuff in, and my Handy Man Zach has not had one. So for the last two years now he has been looking at buying one. He has looked every were and when he found one that was the size that he liked it would cost more then he wanted to spend. Then he would find one we could afford and it would not be the size he wanted. So about three weeks ago he called me and said, "I am on my way home and I have the stuff to start building my building. I was so excited for him. I have been telling him he should build one his self for about a year. It is going to be just what he wanted and he built it himself. I am posting some pictures of what he has a done so far. He is working on it as I am typing this post so I will have some more pictures in the days to come.

The Handy Man unloading his truck.

The Hardy Man

I took this with out him knowing.

Laying out the floor frame.

The Handy Man working hard on his building.

The floor framed up.

This is where it going to be.

Putting the plywood on the floor.

Wall one being framed up.

Wall one up.

Two walls are up and working on the third.

Three walls are up.

This is what he has so far.

He is doing such a good job!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Visiting Dad at Work

We were out paying a bill near where Dad works. So we went to see him. Landon loves to go and see Dad at work because Dad lets him play on the fire trucks. He loves to act like he is driving them and look at all the stuff that is at the fire station. He also like to see his Dad. He loves him so much and misses him when he is at work.

Landon with Dad

See me Dad......

I am driving like you!

Landon on the back of the truck.

Dad helping Landon hold the hose.

Trying on the fire hat.

See mom I am going to be like my Dad when I grow up.

Our little boy is getting so BIG!!!!