Saturday, October 18, 2008

Digging Potatoes With a Little Helper

Well the other day we dug our potatoes and had a little more help this year then before. That is to say there was more dirt and rocks in the buckets then potatoes. So I thought I would let y'all see our little man helping his Granddaddy pick up the potatoes. He had such a blast. I wish I would have took a picture of him when we came in. Let me just say he was covered form head to toe with dirt.

Landon with his Granddaddy

Our Little Helper

I can do this.

Oh I see one. Here let me get it.

Landon didn't think there was enough dirt in with Potatoes. So he added some.

He had just but a rock in with the potatoes

How am I doing?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Other Market Tote

I had told you all that I was going to work on the other Market Tote. Well I got it done that week but just have not took the time to blog about it. So here it is. I am looking so forward to getting to use it and the other one this weekend on our Mother Daughter weekend to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge. I will post about the weekend when we get back.

The Outside

The inside

Monday, October 6, 2008

Flowers and Pumpkins

Thought I would share some pictures that I took the other day. They are of some flowers and pumpkins that I grow this summer. I just love the colors.

This is my favorite.

Look at my pumpkins

Look at all our flowers.

I just love how Lantana looks.

This looks so much like fall.