Sunday, April 20, 2008

Our Little Dirt Dobber

You can tell that Landon is all boy. He loves to get dirty. So the other day we went outside to do just that. PLAY IN THE DIRT. We took our trucks, bucket, and shovel to the garden to play. He had a blast. He got it in his hair and in anywhere else that he could get it. He has been trying to walk so one of the picture is him trying to walk in the dirt. He is not a baby anymore.

Landon trying to walk.


Carrie Cooper said...

Love the pics of my little nephew! He is so sweet, and I love when they are babies and are beginning to walk. The last pic looks just like his daddy when he was that age.. Love you all, praying we'll be over yonder soon!!!

Anonymous said...

This is the most beautiful picture of your precious baby boy!!