Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day!!!!

Sunday was Mother's Day. This is my second Mother's Day and I just love being a Mom. We had a very good day. I got a gift that is worth more then anything in the world and that was seeing my son Landon who is almost 14 mouths old get up with the kids at church Sunday morning and sing "This Little Light of Mine". He loves to sing just like his mom. Zach and Landon got me a hat that I can use for gardening and when we go to the beach. I have also posted what my Mom got me for Mother's Day. She took some pictures of Landon the other day and framed them for me. Now I have to decide where in the house to put them. I would have posted a picture of Zach preaching Sunday Night but I don't have one. Sorry!! I had a very very good Mother's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is Landon Singing with the kids.

This is my Beach and Gardening Hat.

I just love it!!!!!!!!!!

If you look in the bottom left corner that is my Nana's hand.

This is what I got for being the Youngest Mother at church!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love the pics. of landon love truly cheyenne :)